
- 1994 Physician and Surgeon, Genoa University, Italy
- 1999 Orthopaedic Surgeon, Genoa University, Italy
- 09/09 - 01/10/1991: visiting student at St. Andrew's Hospital, Billericay, England ( regional centre of hand and plastic surgery and burns centre)
- 30/07 - 19/08/1992: visiting student at St. Andrew's Hospital, Billericay, England ( regional centre of hand and plastic surgery and burns centre)
- 03/08 - 13/08/1993: visiting student at St. Andrew's Hospital, Billericay, England ( regional centre of hand and plastic surgery and burns centre)
- 06/11 - 02/12/1995: visiting resident at Massachusetts General Hospital Hand Service, Harvard University, Boston, United States.
- 12/08 - 07/09/1996: visiting resident at Massachusetts General Hospital Hand Service, Harvard University, Boston, United States.
- 20/08 - 11/10/1997: visiting fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital Hand Service, Harvard University, Boston, United States.
- 10/08 - 26/10/1998: visiting fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital Hand Service, Harvard University, Boston, United States.
- 25/07 - 15/08: period as visiting doctor and invited speaker at Hirosaki University Medical School
- 2000 - 2001 Clinical Fellowship in Hand and Microsurgery at Hirosaki Medical School, Japan
- 2002 - 2005 Staff doctor Hand Unit, Policlinico Multimedica IRCCS - Plastic Surgery Department, University of Milan
- 2005 - Chief Hand Unit Trauma and Sport Service, Policlinico Multimedica IRCCS - Plastic Surgery Department, University of Milan
- 2003- University Tutor Milan University Medical School
- 2005- Contract Professor in Hand Surgery, Vita e Salute University, Saint Raffaele Hospital, Milan
- 2008- Faculty of the European Wrist Arthroscopy Society
- Member Italian Society For Surgery of the Hand
- 2005 - delegate for Asian Countries
- 2005 - 2007: member of the outcomes commission
- 2007 - 2009: member of the editorial board
- 2009 - European Delegate
- Member Japanese Society For Surgery of the Hand
- Member European Wrist Arthroscopy Society - 2008 - delegate for Asian Countries
- Member of the International Society for Sport Traumatology of the Hand