دور التأهيل
What is Hand Therapy?
Hand Therapy is a type of rehabilitation performed by an occupational or physical therapist on patients with hand problems. A high level of specialization is required. The hand therapist works closely with the surgeon to achieve the best result possible for the patients.
Patients who are candidates for hand therapy may have been affected by an accident or trauma leaving them with wounds, scars, burns, injured tendons or nerves, fractures, or amputations of the fingers, hands, or arms. Other conditions include carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, and arthritis.
Among the tools used by the hand therapist are splints; these are custom made support for the wrist, hand or digits that follow the patient through all his rehabilitation protocol. The therapist provides preventative, conservative treatment, reduction of swelling, instruction for home exercise program, control of scars, training in the performance of daily life activities and other services such as ergonomic exercises.
No patients are treated is they do not accept to follow an hand therapy program.